Uses of Interface

Packages that use ServiceNode
consciouscode.seedling Provides the core classes and interfaces of the Seedling container; see consciouscode.seedling.tree for standard implementations. 
consciouscode.seedling.tree Provides standard implementations of the Seedling container interfaces. 

Uses of ServiceNode in consciouscode.seedling

Subinterfaces of ServiceNode in consciouscode.seedling
 interface BranchingBranch
          A BranchNode that can extend itself with child branches.
 interface BranchNode
          A branch in the Seedling component hierarchy.
 interface EventfulBranch
          A branch that fires BranchChangeEvents when child nodes are installed or removed.
 interface GrowingBranch
          A BranchNode that allows manual installation and uninstallation of nodes.
 interface RootNode
          A Seedling root branch, which anchors the hierarchical namespace.

Uses of ServiceNode in consciouscode.seedling.jetty

Classes in consciouscode.seedling.jetty that implement ServiceNode
 class SeedlingServer
          Extends Jetty's Server to automatically build context mappings from entries in the Seedling container.
 class SeedlingServletContextHandler
          Extends Jetty's servlet ContextHandler to automatically build path mappings from entries in the Seedling container.

Uses of ServiceNode in consciouscode.seedling.junit

Classes in consciouscode.seedling.junit that implement ServiceNode
 class TestRunnerNode
          A seedling node that runs tests from "within" the seedling.

Uses of ServiceNode in consciouscode.seedling.scope

Classes in consciouscode.seedling.scope that implement ServiceNode
 class ScopeManager
          A branch that creates and manages ScopeRoots.
 class ScopeRoot
          A local root node that contains all of the nodes of a non-global scope.

Uses of ServiceNode in consciouscode.seedling.tasks

Classes in consciouscode.seedling.tasks that implement ServiceNode
 class AbstractPeriodicTask
          Interface for tasks that can be scheduled for execution by a Clock.
 class MemoryMonitorTask
          A periodic task that logs information about the JVM's memory state.

Uses of ServiceNode in consciouscode.seedling.tree

Classes in consciouscode.seedling.tree that implement ServiceNode
 class EmptyBranch
          A trivial branch that has no child nodes, and can't have any installed.
 class GenericBranch
          Provides a basic implementation of BranchNode, suitable for extension.
 class ShutdownNode
          A seedling node that handles clean shutdown of the JVM and of the Seedling itself.
 class StandardBranch
          The canonical implementation of BranchNode, providing dynamic node provisioning via a NodeProvider.
 class StandardRoot
          The global root of a Seedling application tree.

Uses of ServiceNode in consciouscode.seedling.webConsole

Classes in consciouscode.seedling.webConsole that implement ServiceNode
 class NodeIndex

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